Flash Fiction: A piece of fiction that is extremely brief, typically only a few hundred words or fewer
The Challenge: Write a piece in 100 words or less using the prompt...
The Prompt: the hunter’s car was crawling quietly down the street
*I took the liberty of taking out the word 'was' because it made more sense with my piece...
Her heart fought with her breath for room in her throat. Darkness surrounded her as she hunched next to a gnarled tree on the neglected yard. Is he gone? She leaned forward and dared to peek out onto the street. She lunged back into the shadows as a stake whistled past her ear. I’ve been found!
She bolted into a thicket, hoping to lose him in the bramble, branches clawed at her clothes. She glanced over her shoulder, the ancient blood thickening in her veins. Lights pierced the darkness as she saw the hunter’s car crawling quietly down the street…
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